Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Interns with Spanish President Zapatero

Whether Barack Obama wins the presidency tonight or not we can rest assured that he gained an invaluable experience working for Spanish president Zapatero as his intern in La Moncloa.

Spain and its government is once again the butt of the joke for the fake news network The Onion. Bush, according to the Onion, was seriously thinking of placing Spain, alongside Iran, Iraq and North Korea, as one of the nations that form the "Axis of Evil."

I'm not a surveyor but based on most of the people I've talked to, I can say that Spaniards are predominantly for Obama, even if many of them can't make heads or tails out of the Republican-Democrat political distinction. But there are McCain supporters, one group even having the catchy name "Spain for McCain."

However, when it comes to teaching at a school, I believe strongly in keeping my political views to myself. Everyday the students put me on the rack, barraging me with questions and comments like, "Your for Obama aren't you. Come on Michael, tell us who your voting for. We here don't like McCain. We think Bush is stupid. I know your voting for Obama."

Yes, I've been getting this everyday, even a little from teachers.

And there was alot to say about this comment by Barack Obama in one of the debates. I was seeing the debates in an auditorium full of Spaniards and Americans at Casa de las Americas, an organization dedicated to creating cultural exchanges between Spain and the U.S. This comment made the room erupt with laughter and applause. Notice the expletive McCain repeats twice while Obama is speaking. But hey, for all I know McCain may be right.

This morning a tear came to my eye when I read in El Pais that over 75% of Americans registered to vote. The more I know that our next president will be elected by the will of our country's people, the more proud and happy I'll be.

Let's see what some of the Onion's most distinguished pundits have to say about Obama's internship.

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