Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Chunk of Spain--The Spanish Tortilla

Tortilla de patatas, Tortilla espanola, Spanish omlette--some of the names given to what I think is the national dish. I'm a fan. A "bocadillo e tortilla" (Spanish omlette sandwich) is my food of choice at the canteen (or very small cafeteria) at school. I put ketchup and mayonnaise on my sandwich. By the way, mayonnaise is a very popular condiment to put on your fries, perhaps more so than ketchup.

Sometimes I buy my tortilla pre-made from the supermarket. I pop it in the microwave and cut my self some slices. It is a joy to eat because it is truly a comfort food. Nothing dangerous. Very simple taste that calls for any occasion: breakfast, lunch, tapas, dinner or snack. Most of all, everyone in Spain eats it. I must stop before I start writing an ode to the stuff. So exited! I found a video on how to make it by scratch. Learn with me my readers:

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