Monday, September 22, 2008

Dining-Out, Spanish Style



50% Red Wine (preferably inexpensive)

50% Cola

Served cold, on the rocks. It's a refreshing drink popular in Spain. It's especially popular among the Spanish youth. Walking across a college campus lawn, you may see hordes of Spanish students talking loudly, mixing up cartons of cheap, 1 euro red wine with coke. Good mix for the resourceful drinker on a tight budget.


Bocadillo de Jamon Serrano (Sandwich with Mountain Ham)

Jamon Serrano is a tender and chewy type of ham adored by the spanish people. It's a dry-cured ham served in raw, thin bacon-like slices. When I taught my first freshman class in Spain and told them about me having this typical lunch dish for the first time they got really excited. Smiles of recognition and nods of approval points to the universally acknowledge truth that spaniards are obsessed with ham. Best of all, it cost about 2 euros to buy at most local Madrid restaurants.

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